What are GHADs?
The 1979 Beverly Act provided for the establishment of Geologic Hazard and Abatement Districts (GHADs) as independent public agencies to oversee geologic hazards in defined geographic areas. more »
There are approximately 50 GHADs in California working to prevent, mitigate and abate geologic hazards. The California Association of GHADs founding Board of Directors.
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Commissioner Lara announces pioneering project with City of Isleton to create community-based flood insurance initiative
SACRAMENTO, CA — Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara today announced a community-based flood insurance initiative for the City of Isleton — a first-of-its-kind for the state — as part of a two-year $200,000 grant. This innovative approach to insurance will provide payouts to Isleton residents if floodwaters reach a pre-determined depth.
Isleton, a small city in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, is prone to flooding and lies within a 100-year floodplain. The pilot project is spearheaded by the California Department of Insurance, funded by the California Department of Water Resources, and implemented by the City of Isleton’s Delta Region Geologic Hazard Abatement District.
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